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Hi there 👋 thank you for sharing information about this extremely important subject.

I agree, there is a need for more open dialogue and discussion because I feel that due to the sensitivity of this topic, people tend to avoid it altogether. I understand the financial implications for these treatments and ethical concerns in regard to the future quality of life of the patient. I know there’s a very fine balance between these considerations and I wonder what you think regarding this synopsis:

EXAMPLE SCENARIO - If a 40 year old patient suffered a significant brain injury with a predicted 10% chance of making a partial recovery but the financial burden is very high, would there be a professional decision to go with treatment/procedures that could assist with possible recovery? Or would it be a decision based solely on the costs given that patient has only a 10% chance of limited recovery requiring rehabilitation and lifetime future of assisted living?

I’m really interested about this subject matter and look forward to reading your thoughts/point of view. Thanks 😊

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